The Stated Goals of this Blog

Well hello there friend!

If you’re viewing my site for the first time in awhile you may notice a few changes around here, both in terms of layout and content. If this is your very first visit, welcome, and ignore my previous statement. The blog has always been this slick and awesome!

Jokes and caveats aside, for my first post I simply want to lay out a few top level goals for what I’m hoping to accomplish here.

Those goals are:

  1. To provide a platform for me to share personal work, including musings on blogging, personal development, social issues, politics, and other things I have no business talking about.
  2. To showcase projects I’m particularly proud of.
  3. To start conversations with people who otherwise might not have a forum to connect with me.
  4. To have a pleasant looking landing page for the top search engine result when someone queries “Brian Champlin” in Google.

And that’s it!

Clear. Simple. Direct.

Now let’s get to the writing…

Featured photo of me at the lectern at the Tom Bradley Room at Los Angeles City Hall taken by Daniella Sulimay during recording of this video.

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